Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Finding Your Voice

The CBI counseling center will be offering a 12 week group session for women entitled, Finding Your Voice. I recently had time to catch up with Dr.Amanda Blackburn, one of the facilitators, to spotlight exactly what the group has to offer.

Though I have been to counseling I've never been to a 'group' session. Can you explain how that works for someone who may be hesitant to come and share?

Group counseling is different than individual because, obviously, you are part of a counseling process with others. It's helpful because you are able to share your story and hear others' stories and - hopefully - learn from each other. It's great practice to share your story with other group members and to give feedback to others after they have shared. Many women are nervous to give feedback or nervous to put themselves "out there" because they don't know what others think about them. In group therapy, we take time to talk about the "process" and give women opportunities to comment on what they observe about the group dynamic, their experience of the group, etc. We always encourage women to speak for themselves and to use "I" statements.

Why is it important that participants currently be involved in therapy or previously involved in individual therapy?

FYV members are expected to currently be involved in therapy or to have previously been involved in therapy because then they are able to use the FYV time to focus on "finding their voice" in the group. Many members may struggle with various mental issues including depression, anxiety, relationship problems, etc. and the group cannot be the only atmosphere where they are receiving help for these issues.

Is this an on-going group throughout the year or will there be a class to help build on these principles after May?The group is a closed, 12-week session group. We will have 12 sessions and no new members will be asked to join until the end of this session. If, at the end of this first session, there are members interested in continuing and starting a new FYV group, then we will consider beginning another group in the summer or fall where the women (and new women, if interested) can continue the work they began.

Anyone interested in the group should contact CBI Counseling and ask to schedule a free, 20-minute session with me (Amanda Blackburn ) or Brittney Smith (the other facilitator) prior to Monday, February 22. The group will meet on Mondays from 630-8pm in the group therapy room at CBI Counseling Center on 1815 McCallie Avenue downtown Chattanooga . Anyone with questions can contact me at CBI Counseling Center at 423-756-2894.

By Tanisha Webster
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